I am dealing with the conspiracy of our elected leaders, Judges, and News Media: focusing on their actions to Aid, assist, and encourage this massive exodus... hoards of poor, non-English speaking people constantly year after year migrating across our border from Mexico. The Illegal Alien is the gleeful beneficiary of this benevolence and has done well in exploiting these greedy Political, Media, and Corporate interest. Yes and these Benefactors want them here at all cost; with no concern whatsoever to the cost placed on American Citizens. These interests want Illegal Aliens to come here, and then stay here.
Seeking to expand Congressional representative seats and votes the politicians take advantage of the now enormous residency of Illegal’s across our country. The Corporate interest benefit in their desire to stop “Wage Inflation.” To the big corporate interest our standard of living has been "waaay!!!" too high, for "waaay!!!" too long. They also think we make "waaay!" too much money. Yep the Corporatist desperately want a much larger pool of people competing to work for them. All so they can pay "mucho lesso"..., it is a deal that the corporatist love like “Cheese to A Rat”. The taxes go up, the cost of living goes up, and the wages keep going down. This conspiracy has been going on for at least 30 years. The News Media has been complicit in this conspiracy for their very noticeable effort to not talk about the illegal alien invasion, at all, and then from time to time they would tell us: how benefitted we are to have this large massive group of "Non English Speaking Poor People" in our country. The media also would constantly remind us that they are the fastest growing minority in the country. However, they seem to always leave out the fact that the large growth is primarily due to the gigantic number of people illegally sneaking across our wide open, unprotected, illegal alien friendly, and easily accessible southern border.
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