Friday, January 21, 2011

Newt Gingrich: " Urgent Need For Guest Worker Amnesty Program"

GINGRICH: “We clearly have to get effective guest worker program” said Gingrich; about his remedy for the Illegal Immigration Crisis on FOX News with Greta Van Susteren Jan 13, 2011.

You would think he would say, we definitely need to “Enforce our Existing Immigration Laws and protect American Citizens," but no he say's we have to have a Guest Worker (Amnesty) Program.  You can see that Van Susteren and Gingrich seem to be on the same Pro-Amnesty page...  As you can gather from their quotes below:

VAN SUSTEREN:”The Hispanic vote in 2012, how is your party going to get the Hispanic vote? That's has growing importance in the election.”

GINGRICH:” I also think there's an opportunity for Republicans.  Can we move from 38 percent to above 50 percent buy 2012? I think we can because I think we have a very powerful message, including a calm, steady approach to ending illegality and finding ways to deal with immigration that are acceptable to conservatives and Hispanic-Americans.”

Gingrich put priority on setting up a “Guest Worker AMNESTY” Program For currently Illegal Alien Hispanics.”  Gingrich  like many Rhino Repubs  have been the absolute ENEMY of every working American Citizen... with regard to  his support for legalizing  the 10’s of Millions of Hispanic Illegal Aliens that have steadily been invading our country for at least 30yrs, and that, with the blessing and encouragement of our Political, Judicial, News Media leaders.  Below are quotes from Van Susteren & Gingrich:

VAN SUSTEREN:” The issue of illegal immigration versus legal immigration is of importance to everybody, and hugely to the Hispanic population. What can you tell them that you will seek to do the Republican Party would do that would make Hispanics who are mostly interested in that issue want to vote Republican?”

GINGRICH: “First, you have to develop control of the border and you have to say that's step one in a several step process. At the same time, because it is going to take a while to build a guest worker card and program, I would start down the road. I would say you would like to be available the day the border is controlled, you would like to be able to have a guest worker card and program so people could cross the border legally to a legal job having a legal guest worker program.
And I think you would implement it shortly after the border, but you would be developing it at the same time you are developing a control of the border.”

Gingrich thinks the only problem Americans have with Illegal Aliens is the term Illegal. He seems to be under a delusion that:  Americans simply don’t like the idea of Illegal Aliens being Illegal.   He seems to think -- if we make them LEGAL everyone will then be happy, problem solved, mission accomplished.  When I stop to think how stupid that is, I have to remember: “He Is a Politician first”, and they don’t care about us, after all, we are just American Citizens.    So following that trend of thought we can see that "Gingrich does not want to be caught dead" in the business of enforcing immigration laws; because in the head of any Rhino Repub: that might anger the Hispanic Population.  If we stopped enforcement of robbery or Assault would that cause some other race to be more apt to vote for them.  Wow!  You know, that is some of the craziest, stupidest thinking I have ever heard, but then he is a, like I said before a politician.

I hope you see where people like Newt Gingrich are striving to take us: with their insatiable thirsty desire, to Legalize - every Hispanic Illegal Alien possible.    Instead of enforcing our Laws,   they are offering an "Illegal Alien Reward Program" for those who have broken our laws.  May I remind you these people “Should Not Even Be In Our Country” They wouldn’t be here,  If Our Political Leaders Would Only DO THEIR JOB, and Enforce our Immigration Laws.  Gingrich  & Van Susteren seem to talk as if  Hispanics & Hispanic Illegal Aliens are their only constituents, and the rest of us do not matter at all.  Illegal Aliens and Politicians like Newt Gingrich have something in common:  neither has any respect for our Immigration laws.  So we can You  see that  all we, American citizens,  will get out of Gingrich’s Guest worker  deal  will be: Higher Taxes, More Competition For Limited Resources, and A Greatly Increased Cost Of Living. Wow!!! 

Gingrich’s & Van Susteren, “Feel That the Hispanic Vote Is So Valuable, We should do anything & Risk All to Get It”.   So even if it means   Alienating the rest of America..., Amnesty for Hispanic Illegal Aliens is worth it.  Like that Mythical Hispanic Vote We keep hearing about.  I interpret Gingrich’s words as, a call for:  Real Citizens to Give up the Fight against Amnesty Now, and give the Illegal Aliens our blessing with a blanket Amnesty.    American citizens have got to wake up and say, “No More, enough is enough,” and put a Halt to the Gingrich Guest worker Amnesty plan, and  the unending flow of Illegal’s that come with it.

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