Saturday, January 15, 2011

90 Day Solution For The Illegal Alien Invasion

The Following is A Possible Solution for The Illegal Alien Invasion written by  a True American Patriot: The Late Great Terry Anderson.  Terry worked tirelessly to alert us of the tremendous damage done to our country by  our governments unending, radical,  and un-American --support & Assistance to the Mega-Tens of Millions of  Illegal Aliens that are overruning our  country, and have been for the last 30yrs.  He passed away in July of 2010; he is sorely missed now, but his spirit and love for America lives on- in all us who are "Paying Attention."

90 Day Solution Without Confusion
Terry Anderson -- May 20, 2007

The debate over the illegal alien invasion has already happened. The American people have stated loud and clear that they want all illegal aliens deported and not rewarded. Those who do not want illegal aliens deported, including some elected politicians, racist separatist hate groups (LA RAZA, MALDEF, LULAC, MEChA the National Council of the Race, etc.), the media and elitists like Bill O'Reilly continually tell us that we can't "ROUND UP" twenty million people. The term "round up" is inflammatory and is used to make us seem barbaric or less than human and discourage us from doing what must be done to save America. The truth of the matter is, we don't have to "round up" anybody. What we have to do is make existence in this country extremely hostile to those here illegally and guess what? They will leave! Make it where they can't buy or sell, can't rent, can't drive, can't work, can't medicate, educate or incarcerate! Do these things and THEY WILL LEAVE!!! Having said that, I offer, to MY country, a humble plan to rid us of this huge burden. This plan is based on common sense, THE LAW and a will to do it. It goes like this:

Congress shall declare a 90 day amnesty for ALL illegal aliens. During that period NO status adjustments will be made. Zero! For 90 days illegal aliens will have the opportunity to dispose of any accumulated assets, both real and personal. Bought a house? Sell it! Bought a car? Sell it! Got a dog, give it away! They will have three months to settle their affairs and sever all ties to this country. At the end of the amnesty period, on day 91, ANY illegal alien still here will be considered a federal, felony fugitive and will be arrested and jailed. One year the first time. FIVE years the second time and TEN years the third time. We will build a tent prison in the California / Arizona desert and expand it as needed. Once jailed, all assets will be seized and sold at auction. All proceeds will be used to incarcerate said illegal aliens. These stipulations will apply to anyone who entered the country illegally OR any Visa overstay of one day or more.
On day 91, ANY employer who hires an illegal alien fugitive will be jailed. One year for the first offense, FIVE years for the second and TEN years for the third. These laws and penalties will also apply to any bank lending money to illegal aliens and anyone giving them aid and shelter, including churches.
American born children (Anchor Babies) of illegal aliens will be placed in jeopardy by the actions of their parents. Since the American people had no hand in those actions, the responsibility for the care of those children will be that of their parents. If they self-deport, they have the option to take the kids with them or leave them here with an adult of their choice. If the parent is incarcerated as an illegal alien fugitive, they have the option of placing the children with an adult of their choice or making them wards of the federal government and placed in an institution until their release.
These measures are hard but they are fair and are needed to assure the survival of this once great country. They apply to anyone in the country illegally regardless of race, creed, color, height, weight, age, sex, or national origin.

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