Saturday, January 22, 2011

Large Cost In Taking Care of Illegals

There is a High cost for taking care of another countries people, but Americans have been paying it for a long time, at least for the last 30 yrs.  The problem is Illegal Immigration for at least that long has been the 400 ton Elephant in the room..., No One (Politicians, or News Media, with a few exceptions) wanted to talk about.   The News Media and our Political Leaders always seemed to have something else to talk about.   While we have been like: “A Frog in a Slow Boiling Pot, We Have Not Been a Sleeping Giant: We Have Been A Comatose Giant.”  We were just not paying attention, until now,  I Hope?  American Citizens, while they have been unknowingly footing the bill for this large and ever-growing, hoard of Uninvited, illegal Guest, must wake up!

The wide open, Illegal Alien Friendly Border with Mexico, has resulted in Hispanics being the fastest growing, and largest... minority in the country.  The News Media has quoted those finding hundreds of times, but always seem to forget   to tell us that Illegal immigration is its primary cause.    Now these Uninvited Guest, though in fact: are not even supposed to be in the country are: Demanding Your Rights, while Marching in our streets all over the country.  These Illegal’s are Usurping our Congressional Representation also... just by their residence in our country, but that is something to talk about at another time. 

With Sanctuary City programs, generous benefits to children of Illegal’s born in the U.S., virtually no interior enforcement, and  intentionally very limited border enforcement: Our Political Leaders, Judges,  and Elite Media,   are on one side:  encouraging, enticing and rewarding Illegal’s for breaking our immigration laws, and on the other side,  they  just: Out And Out,  Refuse to let anyone  Enforce  Immigration Laws,  and anyone caught trying to enforce immigration laws is quickly called a Racist, and after that, an activist judiciary is usually  called upon, to put a stop to it... PRONTO!!!.    Point in fact, Arizona implemented the Anti Illegal immigration bill "SB1070", to deal with they're massive Illegal Alien population; due to the ease by which Mexican citizens and others come across the Arizona /Mexico border.  Just before the immigration bill SB1070 was to go in effect; President Obama Acting in the interest of the Illegal Aliens, worked fast to put and end to it.   President Obama sued them, and with the help of an Activist Arizona Judge Susan Bolton, the efforts to put a stop to the Rampant Illegal Immigration crisis were halted in Arizona.

So with the Government and Media’s blessing the illegal population in our country has skyrocketed (25 to 35 million now residing in our country).  Somebody however,  has to pay for this  Government sponsored - Unofficial Illegal Alien  Homestead Program, and I will give you one guess- who that is-- “Yep  that’s right,  It’s-  “YOU!!!.””  The Government has laid the Illegal Alien support, and assistance... bill right at your doorstep. 

LA County Supervisor Mike Antonovich, Appearing on Fox News with Greta Van Susteren spoke about the huge cost of Illegals for Los Angeles County Citizens and stated below:

VAN SUSTEREN: Tell me what is the cost fiscal year 2010 for illegal immigration for L.A. County?
ANTONOVICH: Right now, the Department of Public Social Services in their November findings indicated it was approximately $53 million for that month to pay for the welfare and the food stamps for children, parents, children born in the United States to illegal aliens. And when you figure the cost over a 12 month period that exceeds $600 million.
I audited the county jails last August and found illegal aliens are costing the county $540 million a year. When you add that to half a billion dollars to the health care costs for illegal immigrants we are exceeding 1.6 billion dollars, just for health services and welfare programs and criminal justice enforcement. This does not include educational costs.  What we have is a catastrophic impact that is impacting our community, our state and our nation.

By our Governments willful negligence, complicity, and Flat Out Refusal to enforce our nations existing immigration laws; we have today:  An “Illegal Alien Nation,” Within a Nation, I call that, “A House Divided.”    It is clear,  that we will continue to pay for our Illegal Alien buddies, and our Politicians, Judges, And Elite Media... will Never stand for any immigration  enforcement at all; Unless,  “We The People” really Wake Up  - and begin to Shout OUT!  and say: “Enough is Enough!!!, and I hope that is not after Spanish becomes our countries official language

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