Monday, June 6, 2011

California The Illegal Aliens Promised Land

California is one of the best places in the Country for an Illegal Alien. The Illegals Just Keep on Coming; while the Citizens there have been pretty complacent, sleeping, and constantly misinformed by an extremely Illegal Alien Friendly Media, and Political Establishment, that says: the Illegals are not a problem at all. I have to guess the Citizens there believe the Media Hype because they keep voting in Illegal Alien Friendly politicians, all while California's Leaders tell the Citizens that: California is lucky to have all of these Illegals in their state running around, and Doing the Jobs that the Lazy citizens would not do. For An Illegal Alien particularly of Hispanic origin, in California, the sky is the limit. You can use your Race as an excuse to break almost any law, and call anyone who objects to your presence in the US as a Racist, and be taken quite seriously. Yep, If I were an Illegal Alien California is where I would want to be. The Few legal citizens in California Left, in the sea of Illegal Aliens and their Anchor baby children, have got to rise up and say enough is enough: They are tired of living in a foreign, poor, non English speaking country. The Citizens need to Wake up vote out those Crooked, Anti-American Politicians and Judges, and then stop supporting Illegal Activist in the media.

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