America’s education system is hundreds of millions of dollars in debt. Government officials wring their hands and fantasize crazy schemes to stop the bleeding. They cut out music, sports, busing, small classrooms and supplies but they REFUSE to mention the elephant in the room. Illegal alien invaders are swamping our country and stealing from our children. Why? Because illegal alien children mean the need for more workers who will pay more UNION dues.
I am not against LEGAL IMMIGRATION! America does what no other country does and allows ten million foreigners to become Americans every year. However, to survive we must be a nation of LEGAL IMMIGRANTS, not ILLEGAL CRIMINAL INVADERS.
Our government says there are only 11 million illegal alien criminal invaders in the United States. THEY LIE! Last fall California admitted that they have 11 million invaders in their state ALONE (creating a 9 billion dollar deficit). New York, therefore, has probably around 11 million, Florida and Texas 8 million each and with the other 46 states, there must be approximately fifty million illegal alien invaders here. This would definitely explain the utter destruction of our schools, hospitals, social services, jails and jobs, wouldn’t it? If the fifty million number is wrong, why won't the government tell us the REAL number? Is it because if they tell the truth about how many people have broken into this country, it would show what a bad job they have done in protecting our borders?
Jeb Bush is lecturing Republicans to be “nice” to Hispanics so they will vote for us. I smell a jug of 'comprehensive immigration kool-aid' being mixed and we MUST STOP that just like we stopped brother “W” ‘s attempt. “Comprehensive reform” means “amnesty”; a reward for breaking our laws and that is WRONG. I doubt the Hispanics who have legally entered the United States want their adopted country turned into the law-breaking, poverty-stricken, third world nations they fled.
America is “broke” and our citizens need the limited tax dollars we have. With 25% 'real' unemployment, there are simply NO JOBS for non-tax-paying illegal alien criminal invaders so they need to leave and leave NOW.
A warning to politicians who promise to stop illegal immigration to get elected and then get “amnesia” when they are in office – WE ARE WATCHING YOU! Either you send these invaders back to their home countries or we will send YOU home in 2012.
I am not against LEGAL IMMIGRATION! America does what no other country does and allows ten million foreigners to become Americans every year. However, to survive we must be a nation of LEGAL IMMIGRANTS, not ILLEGAL CRIMINAL INVADERS.
Our government says there are only 11 million illegal alien criminal invaders in the United States. THEY LIE! Last fall California admitted that they have 11 million invaders in their state ALONE (creating a 9 billion dollar deficit). New York, therefore, has probably around 11 million, Florida and Texas 8 million each and with the other 46 states, there must be approximately fifty million illegal alien invaders here. This would definitely explain the utter destruction of our schools, hospitals, social services, jails and jobs, wouldn’t it? If the fifty million number is wrong, why won't the government tell us the REAL number? Is it because if they tell the truth about how many people have broken into this country, it would show what a bad job they have done in protecting our borders?
Jeb Bush is lecturing Republicans to be “nice” to Hispanics so they will vote for us. I smell a jug of 'comprehensive immigration kool-aid' being mixed and we MUST STOP that just like we stopped brother “W” ‘s attempt. “Comprehensive reform” means “amnesty”; a reward for breaking our laws and that is WRONG. I doubt the Hispanics who have legally entered the United States want their adopted country turned into the law-breaking, poverty-stricken, third world nations they fled.
America is “broke” and our citizens need the limited tax dollars we have. With 25% 'real' unemployment, there are simply NO JOBS for non-tax-paying illegal alien criminal invaders so they need to leave and leave NOW.
A warning to politicians who promise to stop illegal immigration to get elected and then get “amnesia” when they are in office – WE ARE WATCHING YOU! Either you send these invaders back to their home countries or we will send YOU home in 2012.
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