Colorado's elected leaders taking Aim at combating Illegal Immigration with Senate Bill 54 co-sponsored by Senator Steve King. The new Bill is already under attack; facing contrary News Media bias, and the Outrage of Many Illegal Alien Activist groups, and Pro Illegal Alien Elected Officials. While Most Americans Citizens are in support of Senate Bill 54; the Groups against the bill are already threatening to fight the measure with accusations of racial profiling; Expressed by the following Article by Kelly Asmuth:
“Colorado lawmakers introduced Senate Bill 54, taking after earlier versions of Arizona's law which allowed police to arrest anyone they suspect of being illegal.”
"GRAND JUNCTION, Colo. (KKCO) - Colorado lawmakers introduced Senate Bill 54 this week. The bill takes after earlier versions of Arizona's law which allowed police to arrest anyone they suspect of being illegal. Senator Steve King of Mesa County is a co–sponsor of the bill, which is already getting backlash. Senate Bill 54 would allow local police to question and arrest people they believe to be undocumented. This raises the question, how would officers know who to stop? Advocates say police would use probable cause, as they do for many other crimes. Opponents say probable cause in this instance translates to racial profiling. By Kelly Asmuth"
I am personally disgusted with the above non truthful, non- objective, and slanted reporting we constantly get in general from the News Media and particularly here from the likes of: Kelly Asmuth. She is not alone in her bias, there are many other Pro-Illegal Alien News Personnel like: Geraldo Rivera, Bill O’Reilley, Greta Van Susteren..., and many more Pro Illegal Alien broadcasters, as well as, the Illegal Alien support Groups like: the Illegal Aliens themselves, Maldef, Lulac, & Laraza, and lastly the Pro-illegal Alien Politicians- like the Mayors of Phoenix, Sacramento, and Los Angeles. These are the main groups that have been working to completely destroy the whole Idea of Citizenship or what it means to be an American Citizen. What these Anti-American Illegal Alien Activist seem to be attempting is a 2 nation country divided by culture, language, and allegiance.
Americans citizens have so little representation on the Illegal Alien Crisis in our country. We definitely don’t have it in the media, but we do deserve Elected officials who would represent us and:
- Do All In their power to Enforce existing Immigration laws
- Place double fencing with sensors & barbed wire along the border
- Put the Military on the border, Not Just Unarmed National Guard office workers.
Thank God, for the Colorado Senate for Pushing Illegal Immigration enforcement, but most of our government officials, i.e. President Obama, Bush, Senator Reid and so many more Anti-American politicians, continue to; not only aid & assist Illegal Aliens; they also refuse to perform or permit enforcement of our immigration laws. Like, President Obama's Law Suit against Arizona to keep Arizona from enforcing immigration laws.
I don’t know about you, but I am completely fed up with Kelly Asmuth's one sided notion of Outrage; as if everyone is against Senate Bill #54, but in fact the only one's Outraged by the bill, are the Illegal’s Aliens and their supporters. The true Outrage is that for many years no one in the media would speak about the negative effects of Illegal immigration on American Citizens, and their Outrage that nothing was being done to stop Illegal Immigration. American citizens are completely outraged with the Pro-Illegal Alien Media bias, and also our Governments longstanding Illegal Alien, assistance, support, and Reward program. That outrage should be addressed by the media and by our Elected Officials.
Illegal Alien Activist like the Kelly Asmuth wants open borders and No enforcement of Immigration laws at all. Another thing that comes to mind from Kelly Asmuth's Article is her attack on the Senate bill by trying to find fault with the term "interpreting probable cause," They know this is a broad area to attack, and one of the best ways of limiting the bills strength. The Illegal Alien activist aim is to prevent enforcement of all immigration laws.
People that don’t want immigration laws enforce try to first stop enforcement by taking Mexicans and other Hispanics off the grid, and by whipping out Racial Profiling-the Race Card. Racial profiling is, and has been one of the most effective accusation tools used by pro Illegal Alien Activist groups to keep immigration laws from being enforced. However, Racial Profiling is used all the time by police departments across the country, to narrow down prime suspects alleged to have committed a crime. These Activist by making skillful use of Anti-enforcement propaganda, have convinced many that it should not be used to deal with Illegal Immigration. The fact is, most of the Illegal Aliens in the U.S. are from Mexico (Hispanics), also why Hispanics are the fastest growing Minority in the country. I am tired of Political correctness..., we are on the Border with Mexico!!! That being said most of the Illegal aliens that are here are from Mexico, they speak Spanish. Mexico is right next door, on our wide open and very Illegal Alien friendly border... “HELLO!!!”
It would makes since then to look more in Hispanic, non English speaking area’s in dealing with the Illegal Immigration Crisis in our country. The activist groups know this is true. So they start by attacking the very effective Racial Profiling Method. They do this to shame us from enforcing immigration laws. These Activist groups will throw out the accusation of ”RACISM", and then we all to often... back down, and take the most probable suspects, Hispanic illegal aliens, off the table, for immigration enforcement. These groups, by using this tactic, have played us like a fiddle. We are not on the border with Japan, or Sweden or Germany. Political correctness says that you can’t question them about their citizenship status. The American citizens are tired of all these excuses used to keep the steady flow of Illegal’s overrunning America. We want our Immigration laws enforced. Racial profiling is used all the time and there is nothing wrong with it, if used to properly narrow down prime suspects, alleged to have committed a crime. We don't have a Broken Immigration System. We have an Un-Enforced Immigration System. Citizenship should mean something
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